AFA urges support for federal AgriStability proposal
A recent proposal by the Government of Canada would make meaningful improvements to the program and add the first new federal money since 2013. This proposal is in the best interest of Alberta producers and we urge the Government of Alberta to support it.
In recent years, the federal-provincial Business Risk Management program AgriStability has come under a good deal of scrutiny. Challenging farming and business conditions in 2019, followed by pandemic-related challenges in 2020, have highlighted the program’s limitations.
For many, AgriStability as it is currently structured is not up to the task of stabilizing farm incomes in difficult years.
A recent proposal by the Government of Canada could change that. This proposal would increase the payment cap from 70% to 80% while removing the Reference Margin Limit. This represents the first new federal money to potentially come into AgriStability in seven years.
Actions we have taken
On December 10, 2020, AFA President Lynn Jacobson wrote a letter to Honourable Devin Dreeshen, Alberta’s Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. This letter makes the case that Alberta’s support for the federal government’s proposed AgriStability would advance the Business Risk Management needs of Alberta producers.
AFA is asking the Government of Alberta to support and join in on this new-look AgriStability program. You can view our letter here.
How you can get involved
We are also inviting AFA members, and Alberta farmers and ranchers generally, to write their MLA and express strong producer support for Alberta to accept the new federal AgriStability proposal.
The clock is ticking, however. Changes to AgriStability agreed to by year’s-end would likely be retroactive to the start of 2020.
That’s why we are asking Alberta producers to email their MLA immediately to express their support for proposed AgriStability changes, and urge the Government of Alberta to get on board.
If you don’t know the name of your MLA, you can find it here: Use the Find Your MLA search tool on the right, partway down the page.
Proposed changes to AgriStability are in the best interest of Alberta producers. Let’s join together as one strong voice and help make this happen.